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With each passing year, the number of truck accidents continues to increase. Many of these accidents result in the death of those involved, while some suffer from serious injuries. 

The lives of victims are severely devastated not only due to long-term physical injuries, but also because these accidents profoundly impact the mental health of the victims. 

It takes years for many victims to return to everyday life. Many accident victims suffer from pain, emotional trauma, and financial insecurity because of expensive medical treatments and medications. These damages are often due to the negligence of another. 

If you have lost a loved one due to severe injuries incurred in an accident, contact a knowledgeable attorney. An attorney can assist you with holding the at-fault party accountable by seeking the compensation you are owed for the losses and expenses you have suffered. 

Get in touch with a Miami auto accident lawyer to obtain justice. They will walk you through the following steps after the accident.

Read the following to obtain comprehensive information about the essential things to do after encountering an accident:

  • Get medical attention

Victims should seek immediate medical attention if they have been involved in a serious auto crash. Seek emergency medical assistance immediately after experiencing an accident with a tanker truck, cargo truck, tractor-trailer, semi-truck, or other large vehicle. Visit a physician within 24 hours regardless of the severity of your injuries. 

Not only will you be able to identify and treat any injuries, but you will also establish medical documentation of your condition by seeing a doctor and undergoing necessary treatment. 

Keep medical records and documentation safe and secure so that you can use them as proof that you were injured in the accident.

  • Contact the police station

Contact the police right after obtaining emergency medical care. Tell the police officer precisely how you encountered the crash. You do not need to admit any fault or responsibility at this time. 

The law enforcement officer will document the information regarding the accident in an accident report. Get a copy of the report as soon as possible.

  • Collect substantial information

The more evidence you are able to collect at the scene of the accident, the better chance you have at obtaining compensation for your injuries and other damages. Try to take clear pictures of your injuries caused by the crash. 

Take photos of the vehicles involved, the road where the accident took place, and any cross streets or nearby landmarks. If there were any witnesses, take note of their contact information. Their statements may prove useful at a later date. 

  • Notify your insurance agency

Contact your insurance agency as soon as you are able to make them aware of the accident. They will begin the claims process for you and contact the other driver’s insurance company, if any. 

Do not agree to any settlement terms or amount without consulting a legal professional first. In fact, you can hire an attorney before speaking to the insurance company for assistance. 

With years of experience handling injury cases, attorneys know how to evaluate an appropriate amount of compensation that a victim deserves. Unfortunately, insurance companies often try to settle for an amount far lower than what you might deserve for losses and damages. 

If your injury claim is denied, he can come to your rescue. A legal professional with experience in truck accident cases can review the circumstances of the accident, the severity of your physical and mental injuries, and help you and other victims fight for what you are owed. You deserve just compensation for the losses you have suffered.

Types of injuries you may face

  1. Head and Brain Injury – Head injuries are considered some of the most dangerous cases. Cases related to head and brain injuries are categorized as some of the most critical of all and should be handled with special care and attention. If you think you have been the victim of a traumatic head or brain injury, then contact an attorney immediately to have a proper assessment and obtain justice for your injuries.
  1. Broken Bones – Some people face multiple bone fractures where they may be immobile or have difficulty moving for months or longer. In such cases, the cost of treatment can be very high and they may lose wages or income if they are not able to work while recuperating from the injuries. 
  1. Back Injury – Back injuries come with many other issues like difficulty standing, walking, and sitting properly. The severity can vary from person to person and from accident to accident. Back injuries such as a sudden fall from the vehicle, colliding with a heavy object, a sudden jerking motion, or other issues can cause spine and back injury.

Accident victims are warned not to engage in unpleasant or heated exchanges with the person or people who caused the accident. Any altercation between the parties could be used to avoid or reduce liability by the responsible parties. 

Furthermore, a physical altercation could result in criminal penalties for all those involved. Maintain your composure and gather only the information you need to deal with a claim or lawsuit at a later date.

Will hiring an attorney help?

Attorneys apply a calm decision-making process that primarily focuses on the constant pursuit of agreed upon goals, which may involve a difficult and complex legal process. 

They also help to protect each client’s rights so that the victims can speak to the authorities without fear of penalty or reprisal. When an accident occurs, victims may wish to seek legal assistance from a Miami Personal Injury lawyer at Berke Law Firm, PA.




Your Attorney

Bill B. Berke

Mr. Berke is an experienced attorney based in Southwest Florida. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business Degree from Indiana University in 1982 and his Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Florida in 1985. Since 1986, he has been running his own law firm, Berke Law Firm, P.A., exclusively representing injured individuals. He is admitted to practice in various courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Berke specializes in workers' compensation, social security disability, defective drug/device litigation, employment law, and overtime claims. He is actively involved in professional associations and community organizations, advocating for the rights of employees and claimants.

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